"Dream is"  2011

Invite me into your dreams....

The dream of the mind creates monsters

The territory of dreams is the zone of the unconscious.

Mysterious and bizarre, sometimes ugly, inspired and recreated phantoms - these are the images that come to life in the works of Danylo Kovach.‘ Dream is the first attempt of the young Uzhhorod author to get to the bottom of the subconscious basis of art creation. He boldly abstracts familiar images through intense colours and bizarre shapes. His dream models are a mystical journey from pure concrete forms to typical abstraction. In a bizarre rhythm, the images are mixed: New Year's bunnies, TV puppets, the apostle and Christ become the heroes of Danylo Kovach' parables, where only sensations are the fact of knowing oneself

The artist seems to demonstrate that he started his work at the time of his birth, when he began to see dreams. The exhibition ‘A Dream is... is a demonstration of this strange path. Moreover, it is an attempt to create his own theory of dreaming. This, according to the dictionary, is ‘a periodic loss of full or partial consciousness

Oksana Havrosh, art critic

Published with the support of the IO Aorta Department of Culture of the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration

Photo: Odri Hor