" The visible and invisible "
Disinformation in time of war as an essential ideological component of modern warfare.
The spread of myths in the stories of some of my colleagues inspired me to create a video performance in which artificial, plastic flowers interfere with the natural landscape.This performance is an example of how important it is for us to distinguish between real information and artificial propaganda myths.
Presentation of works by artist participating in the Solidarity Sculpture program of SEE:UA.
SEE:UA is a LLLLLL @IIIIIII_artist_run_space / Notgalerie @notgalerie project
curated by Natalia Matsenko @uncertainata , Yuri Yefanov @yeafanov , Clemens Poole @clemenspoole and Reinhold Zisser @reinhold_zisser
with support from @johannesbaudrexel @sonyadarrow and
@aspernseestadt @koerwien
video prepared: Yury Efanov
Photo: Danylo Kovach